FVCC Membership Development Committee
Mission:  Empowering and assisting the Fairview Community Council in fulfilling its responsibilities as the civic voice of the residents businesses, non-profits and property owners in Fairview, and facilitate the Council's response to the economic and social challenges facing the  community.
Goals: 1) Furthering the Council's mission by maintaining a strong membership base through retention of existing members, and membership expansion through recruitment of new members. 2) Facilitating communication between the Fairview Community Council and the residents, businesses, property owners and non-profits in Fairview. 3) Building and strengthening the Council's efforts to increase neighborhood   participation in the Council's activities and efforts.
Activities: 2009 strategies to help reach our goals include:


  1. Reaching out to the residents of West Fairview. Council leadership has identified this as an important step in expandng the Council's reach in this part of the neighborhood.
  2. Hosting community events designed to bring Fairview youth, adults, families, businesses and non-profits to the table for open issues and opportunities fourums. Potential events include potlucks and  social activities designed to foster familiarity, communication and interaction with the neighborhood at large.
  3. Assist with existing events such as the annual block party, and facilitate development of new activities.
  4. Build on existing activities taking place in Fairview which are hosted by other groups.
  5. Provide training and information to Council Members tasked with keeping our membership database, website, and email lists current and up to date, and producing the Council's monthly newsletter.





Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils