Brought to you by YOUR Russian Jack Community Council.

We meet the second Wednesday of every month at  Zion Lutheran Church, 2100 Boniface Pkwy. CLICK HERE for a link to a map. 


Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. We will also meet via Zoom; the link will be posted here and in the agenda.

Our next meeting is

Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at 6:30 pm


Join us via Zoom or at the Zion Lutheran Church

2100 Boniface Parkway - Anchorage, Alaska 99504



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 0378 6696 


Passcode: 271632 



Have questions - call


Clayton Chapman 907-205-9886

Ed Leach 907-230-0881



Remember - whether it concerns such things as: schools, construction projects, city/state budgets, crime/gang activity, the Russian Jack Community Patrol, Parks & Recreation, roads, bond issues, resolving complaints, meeting your elected State & local Officials face-to-face, or just finding out “who to call” - if it’s happening in our neighborhood, the Russian Jack Community Council is where you’ll very likely hear about it first. 


To improve our neighborhood:

YOU must get involved - become informed on the issues – and participate!





Welcome to the Russian Jack Community Council.  While we are proud of all our parks - Russian Jack Springs, Dave Rose, Kanchee, San Antonio and Williwaw - we are concerned with more than these gems.  Quality of life, including crime prevention, and educational achievement of our children are of high importance.


We are a very diverse community - half of us belong to ethnic minorities.  60% of us own our residences, which vary from single family homes to mobile homes to 4 - plexes to apartments.  Yet we share the desire for a family friendly community.


But we are not divisive.  Our meetings are collegial and neighborly, with everyone being heard respectfully.  Besides the presentation of a speaker each month, there are lively exchanges with our elected representatives.


So come participate with your neighbors! 

Join us and make your voice heard!



































Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils