Name Description
Resolution 2024-10 Draft.pdf FVCC 2024-10 A Resolution Proposing the Council 2025 CIP List be Amended - FINAL
FVCC Resolution 2024-09 Draft.pdf Fairview CC Resolution 2024-09: A Resolution Commending APD’s Vehicle Noise Enforcement & Advocating for Transparent Efforts - FINAL
Draft Resolution 2024-12Town Square.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-12 - A Resolution Regarding the Restoration of Solar Access to Town Square Park DRAFT
Draft Resolution 2024-11 Aviation Innovation2.pdf FVCC Resolutions 2024-11 - A Resolution Regarding Actions in Support of a Fairview Prosperity and Establishing an Eco-System of Innovation DRAFT
FVCC Draft Resolution 2024-08.pdf FVCC 2024-08 Draft Resolution
Supporting Documents for FVCC Resolution 2024-08.pdf FVCC 2024-08 Supporting documents for the Resolution
FVCC Resolution 2024-08.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-08 - A Resolution Regarding the Fact Our Community has a Unique Physical Location on Earth with Particular Attributes Requiring Consideration
FVCC Resolution 2024-07 Draft.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-07 A Resolution Supporting the 3rd and Ingra RV Resort - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-06 Signed.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-06 Approving the Fairview Community Council FY2024 Nominations for the Municipal Capital Improvement Program - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-05 Signed.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-05 Relating to the Seward to Glenn Highway Connection Planning and Environmental Linkages Study - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-04 Signed.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-04 Requesting the Municipality of Anchorage Fulfill its Responsibilities to Effectively Manage Publicly Owned Land and Facilities - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-03 Signed.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-03 Recommending Exploration of the Securing and Activation of the 15 Acre HLB Owned Parcel at 3rd and Ingra Brought Forward by the 3rd Ave Radicals - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-01 Signed.pdf Fairview CC Resolution 2024-01 Re Establishment of a Reconnecting Fairview Committee as a Permanent Committee of the Council - SIGNED
FVCC Resolution 2024-02 Draft.pdf FVCC Resolution 2024-02 Regarding Establishment of a Homeless Committee as a Standing Committee of the Council - Draft

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Federation of Community Councils (FCC) delegates usually meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6-8 p.m.

The Community Councils Center is located at: 

1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100

Anchorage, Alaska 99503



Upcoming Meetings




Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils