Johns Park
700 Thomasson Dr & 145 Bree Ave.
The Johns had homesteaded the area in 1947 and wanted to save it as a wild space for animals.
In 1972 the borough needed property to run a sewer line through the Oceanview area. Mr. and Mrs. Johns who had homesteaded this area wanted 50 acres to be purchased by the borough to be used as a park.
The sale was completed in June 1973. They requested the property have no motorized vehicles, no buildings, no diversion of Furrow Creek and to name it Johns Park.
Various park projects including picnic tables, play areas, a bridge over Furrow Creek, fitness equipment and a walking/ski trail were enhancements in the following years.
In the summer of 2015 a Park Foundation project completed a park project of nearly $250,000 adding in playgound equipment, workout station, and park safety projects.