Wildfire Awareness Meeting Materials (Spring Training)
Self Assessment Form
Firewise Community Brochure -
Vides to watch before/after the program - Think Like an Ember!
Annual Schedule of Hillside Awareness and Hazard Reduction Awareness Programs:
Power Outage and WindStorm Preparation
Firewise Awareness Training
You can also watch the full April 20th recording on Facebook at and scroll down the posts to April 20th.
C.O.P.E. Program Introduction - Our Community Outreach Prevention Effort program is offered to assist local neigbhors organize themselves to be better prepared to help each other and coordinate their efforts with local agencies. We also intended that this orgnizing effort would simply strengthen the fabric of our communities and increase the connections and opportunies to help each other, whether to borrow a tool, assist during a period of confinement, check in when there is unexpected activity at a home, or assist following wind storm, earthquake, or pandemic. A couple more potluck meals in the neighborhood is our goal, but we hope you are ready, just in case.
Primary Resources to help you:
1. Know where to get information (Muni of Anchorage)
2. Organize your neighbors
3. Be ready to "Go"
4. Prepare your home to reduce wildfire risks.
Home Assessment - (Also on the MOA Page below)
Full Links for above info incase you print this and can't get to the above embedded links - they are the same:
3. - resourc link not working.
Additional Resources
Stories of other's success:
Why some homes survived: Learning from the Fort McMurray wildfire disaster -
RCCC Resilience Committee - Background and History
This work comes from a Rabbit Creek Community Council committee formed in 2019 to create a local Firewise Community Site program that also integrates other year round efforts that enhance the quality of the RCCC area by strengthening the fabric our community connections and its ability to be safe, prepared, responsive and resilient to future events that affect our community. (Earthquakes, Fire, Wind, Power, Flood?, Medical, Child Safety Alerts, criminal activity… are we ready to respond?) The group has expanded to now include participation from HALO and other hillside community councils.
Meetings are being held monthly, 4th Monday of month via Zoom, 7 pm. Contact Chair Troy Weiss for more information. See the Calendar of Events on the main RCCC site for upcoming events.
Current 2020 Goals and Timeline Document
April - Community Awareness Events
May - Firewise Clean up and Wildfire Awarness Day. See last year's event detailsand download this brochure.
Current Committee work plan - a Work in Process.
Old News
April 11, 2019 Event Flier and pictures. Thank you to the Anchorage Fire Department, Gage Tree Service, Alaska Industrial Hardware, John See (Firewise), Team Rubicon, Anchorage Police Department - Neiborhood Watch, and the MOA Emergency Services for attending and sharing program information with RCCC residents.
Prior Crime Prevention and Safety Committee information. Crime prevention has been included in this committee focus.