Elections for the Rabbit Creek Community Council board members are held in November with new members taking office in January.
Officers and board members may be contacted through RabbitCreekCC@gmail.com.
Correspondence and Mailing Address:
1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99503
Tim Alderson
Phone: 907-301-6512
Email: tjalderson@mac.com
Mike Malvik
Phone: 907-382-9036
Email: malvick@alaska.net
David Sterling
Phone: 907-240-5202
Email: davidrsterling@gmail.com
Matt Blakeslee
Phone: 208-596-9072
Email: m.w.blakeslee@gmail.com
Other Board Members:
Amanda Doughty (Social Media Subcomm Chair)
Nancy Pease (Land Use & Transportation Co-chair)
Ann Rappoport (Land Use & Transportation Co-chair)
Judy Michael
John Riley
Grace Johnston
Justin Veit
Federation of Community Council Delegate
Delegate: John Riley
HALO Representative:
Representative: Judy Michael