Name Description
2024_6_10 Briefing_Mayor-elect LaFrance re zoning_drainage.docx Preliminary briefing on zoning & Land use issues for Mayor-Elect LaFrance from RCCC
Gmail - Comments on Platting Cases S12792 and S12796.pdf LUT Comm requests S12796 plat show ROW for trail
2024-10 Comments_Amend 1_2024-27 STIP.pdf RCCC comments on Amendment #1 to ADOT&PR 2024-27 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
2024-09 RCCC to Planning_LUP Review.pdf RCCC questions/comments re Planning Dept. scoping for 2040 LUP Targeted Review
2024-08 RCCC Resolution to APD re vehicle noise.pdf RCCC Resolution commending APD vehicle noise enforcement and requesting a report
2024-7 PZC #2024-0067 testimony AO 2024-44.pdf RCCC comments to on PZC 2024-0067 opposing AO 2024-44 to amend Comp Plan
2024-6 RCCC 2024-045 comments to Assembly.pdf RCCC Board comments to Assembly, AO2024-45 Amending Title 21
2024-5 RCCC Comments_Muni Long Range Transport Strategy.pdf Comments on Muni Long-Range Transportation Strategies and survey
2024-4 Comments on Amend 2 to TIP.pdf Comments on Amendment# 2 to 2023-26 Transportation Improvement Program
2024_3 Attachments 1 and 2_2040 LUP maps.pdf Land Use Plan Maps
2024_3 RCCC comments to PZC 2024-0006.pdf Assembly. proposal to reduce zoning districts (HOME initiative)
2024_3 Attachment 3 Comments 87(S).pdf Analysis & Justification for RCCC comments/recs - AO2023-87(S) Zoning
2024-02 Comments on HLB 2024 Work Plan_2025-29 Mgt Program.pdf RCCC Comments on HLB 2024 Work Plan and 2025-29 Management Program
2024-1 RCCC comments_SSH.pdf Comments & Questions on Safer Seward Highway for Jan. 4, 2024 comment period
2023-26 Questions for SSH_Online Open House.pdf Dec. 8, 2023 questions for Safer Seward Highway Open House
2023-25 AO2023-103 re 3_ and 4_plex code changes_update.pdf Comments on earlier version - Assembly Ord to simplify code/regs for 3- and 4-plexes
2023-24 RCCC comments Draft Housing Action Strategic Plan_rev.pdf Comments on Assembly Draft Housing Action Strategic Plan
2023-22 RCCC comments on Draft 2050 MTP.pdf Comments on Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
2023-26 RCCC comments AO 2023-103_S.pdf Comments on proposed changes to zoning of 3- and 4-plexes
Attachment_Addressing Neighbor Concerns re PMWP.pdf Questions/Concerns Raised with Answers/Potential Remedies re PMWP
2023-23 RCCC endorsement of Potter Marsh Watershed Park.pdf RCCC Resolution supporting Potter Marsh Watershed Park
2023-23 RCCC support to GLT re PMWP.pdf Letter from RCCC to GLT supporting Potter Marsh Watershed Project
2023-21 RCCC Comments on Draft 2024-2027 STIP.pdf Comments on draft State Transportation Improvement Program, 2024-27
2023-15 Letter to Legislature urging defunding of Vanguard_Seward Hwy project.pdf Request to Legislature to require ADOT to drop Scooter Rd/Vanguard interchange in favor of a pedestrian over- or underpass
2023-20 Grading on steep slopes_upper Potter Valley.pdf Followup to Muni regarding unauthorized grading on steep slopes in Potter Valley
2023-19 S Potter Marsh Improvement needs.pdf Clarification to State officials regarding improvements at S. Potter Marsh funded by ARPA grant obtained by RCCC on behalf of ADFG
2023-18 Request answers from Muni on Equestrian Heights.pdf RCCC concerns and requests to Muni on Equestrian Hts subdivision development
2023-17 RCCC comments AO 2023-66 and support for AO 2023-66S Zoning.pdf RCCC comments requesting rejection of AO 2023-066 as proposed, instead supporting Weddleton Substitution calling for new public process/vision for Anchorage 2050 Comp Plan
SSH Meeting#2 RCCC brief.pptx RCCC mission, plans, needs relative to Safer Seward Hwy MP 118-98.5 project
2023-16 RCCC Scoping Comments on SaferSewardHwy.tiff Scoping comments on Safer Seward Highway MP 118-98.5; attachments included RCCC comments on Notice of Intent (2023-16) and RCCC Brief for Mtg #2
2024 CIP Program - RCCC Ranking Survey_21 Responses.pdf RCCC responses to 2024 Capital Improvement Program Google Survey. Final rankings and project descriptions are online here: (scroll down to 'Rabbit Ck'
2023_14 Mountain Air Drive Extension_comments to PZC.pdf RCCC Comments on Mountain Air Drive Extension (PZC 2023-0059)
2023-13 S12728 Bri Subdivision.pdf RCCC Comments on Bri (Mountainside Villages) Subdivision proposed plat
2023-12 RCCC Comments on HLB 2023 Work Program_2024-28 Mgt Plan_pg1.jpg RCCC comments on Heritage Land Bank 2023 Work Program and 2024-28 Management Plan
2023-11 Chief Schrage Station 9 ALS followup.pdf Followup requesting mtg with AFD re removal of Advanced Life Support capability at Station 12
2023-09 RCCC queries to AFD re emergency medical response.pdf Questions to Anchorage Fire Dept. about changing Station 12 from Advanced to Basic Life Support
2023-10 RCCC comments on Safer Seward Highway.pdf RCCC Preliminary comments and questions on Safer Seward Highway project, MP 118-98.5
Gmail - Requesting Legis support_Oceanview Bluff to Potter Marsh trail.pdf Support for Anchorage Park Foundation CAPSIS proposal for Oceanview Bluff Park to Potter Marsh trail when there is a funding opportunity
2023-08 RCCC requests Legislature provide car rental tax revenue to CSP.pdf RCCC requests Legislature approve proposal to increase Chugach State Park funding with $346,000 from the vehicle rental tax available for tourism development
2023-7 RCCC letter on Mills Plat S-12713.pdf RCCC comments to Planning and Platting Board on proposed Mills Plat, S-12713
2024 CAPSIS submitted 11_12 TPS Report - Hillside Fire Prevention and Mitigation.pdf Windstorm cleanup, spruce bark beetle response, invasive spp, etc. impacting forest health on parkland
2024 CAPSIS 11_12 TPS Report - Disaster Evac Routes.pdf Identify, plan, and establish low cost connections and secondary egress for disaster evacuation
2024 CAPSIS 11_12 TPS Report - Hillside LRSA and RRSA Drainage and Ditching.pdf List of requested Hillside LRSA ditching, culvert, and other work
2023_2_13 Briefing for Legislators RCCC Projects.pdf Briefing doc on RCCC activities/priorities, proided to State Representative Shaw and State Senator Giessel, 2/13/23
2024 CAPSIS submitted Chugach State Park Access.pdf Add parking and access improvements to Chugach State Park trailheads
2024 CAPSIS OSH Rec and Safety Corridorl_RC Rd to Potter Valley Rd.pdf Provide a pedestrian/bike path along Old Seward Highway - Rabbit Ck to Potter Valley Rd - safety and recreation
2024 CAPSIS submitted Golden View ped_bike RC to Bulgaria.pdf Need for a pedestrian/bike path along Golden View Drive to the middle school
2024 CAPSIS submitted Hidden Treasures_Stranded Pedestrian Easements.pdf Inventory stranded pedestrian easements/rights-of-ways for future trails to connect neighborhoods, provide egress
2024 CAPSIS submitted Rabbit Ck Rd Left Turn Pocket.pdf Proposal for Left turn pocket to turn L onto Old Seward from Rabbit Ck - safety need
2024 CAPSIS Replace Porcupine Trail Rd culverts.pdf Replace failing culverts - winter icing; summer fish passage/bears congegate problems
2023-6 RCCC to ADOT_Seward Highway Bird Flats to Rabbit Ck MP 98.5_118.pdf RCCC commments to ADOT on NOI - expanded Seward Hwy Project - Rabbit Creek to Bird Flats (MP 118 - 98.5)
2023-5 RCCC comments Old Seward Hwy Poject CFHWY00886NOI signed.pdf RCCC comments to ADOT on pavement preservation project on Old Seward Highway at Rabbit Ck crossing
2023-4 RCCC safety concerns re DeArmoun_140th repaving.docx.pdf RCCC comments to ADOT on repaving of DeArmoun project, at 140th intersection
2023-3 RCCC comments on Holtan Hills.pdf RCCC recommends Assembly table or suspend proposed Holtan Hills HLB land disposal
2023-2 Supporting Assembly approval for CSP Access Service Area_signed.pdf RCCC supports proposed Assembly ordinance creating an Anchorage Bowl Chugach State Park Access Service Area
2023-1 RCCC comments on AMATS Draft TIP Amendment_1.pdf RCCC comments on Transportation Improvement Program, Amendment #1
2022-12-01 To Assembly, ADUs 2022-170_combined.pdf RPCC 2022-12-01 To Assembly, ADUs 2022-170_combined
2022-23 RCCC comments Shangri La East S12704.pdf Requesting lot, wetland, stream setbacks, and section line easement markings for Shangri La East-Estates proposed plat, S.12704
2022-21 S Potter Marsh followup w_ADFG.pdf Questions and recommendations regarding timeline and coordination for ARPA funded S. Potter Marsh site improvements
2022-20 RCCC to ADOT_LRTP AK Moves 2050_additional online submittal.docx Additional comments submitted online to ADOT&PF on LRTP Alaska Moves 2050
2022-20 RCCC comments to ADOT_LRTP Alaska Moves 2050.pdf RCCC Comments to ADOT&PF on proposed Long-Range Transportation Plan, Alaska Moves 2050
2022-19 RCCC comments on AK Natural Burial Cemetery.pdf RCCC support to HLB for Natural Burial Cemetery in our area
2022-18 RCCC comments on Accessory Dwelling Units.docx RCCC comments to Planning requesting purposes in original ADU ordinance be retained and other needed improvements to proposed changes
2022-15 RCCC MTP 2050 project nominations.pdf RCCC recommendations for motorized, non-motorized projects and plans for Muni Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050.
2022-14 RCCC comments proposed Oaken Keg_Huffman Bus Park.pdf RCCC opposes this requested liquor license
2022-13 RCCC Comments S12671 Taras Subdivision.pdf RCCC comments on Taras Subdivision, request for ped easements, comments on road and cul-de-sac designs.
2022-12 RCCC comments on 2023-26 TIP.pdf RCCC comments on @023-26 Transportation Improvement Program re specific Muni roads, trails, need for consistency with other plans, and recs for specific plans
2022-17 RCCC comments on Jaamly Subdivision S12696.pdf RCCC comments on Jaamly Subdivision requesting separated pedestrian pathway and marking of stream setbacks.
2022 Letter Commending AFD and APD for July 4th Fireworks Message.pdf Letter thanking AFD and APD for July 4 Fireworks ban messages to reduce fire danger.
2022-16 RCCC to AMATS Policy Comm_final TIP 2023-26.pdf RCCC reiteration of key recommendations for AMATS Policy Comm 8/25/22 mtg to pass 2023-26 TIP
2022-6-8 Updated ARPA grant application.docx American Rescue Plan Act proposal to Assembly for S. Potter Marsh safety/health improvements, second round
2022-5-18 ARPA grant application.docx Application to the Muni for ARPA funds to complete amenities for public health and safety at South Potter Marsh visitor site
2022-11 RCCC comments on Taras Subd.pdf RCCC preliminary comments on proposed Taras Subdivision
2022_4_8 Testimony to Senate Finance Comm.pdf Testimony in support of RCCC priority CAPSIS proposals: Chugach State Park Access, Resilience, S. Potter Marsh Improvements
2022_4_7 RCCC testimony to State Redistricting Board.pdf Testimony to State Redistricting Board - RCCC opposes combination of Hillside with Eagle River
4_7_22 Gmail - RCCC additional comments_HLB Annual Work Program for 2022.pdf Additional comments to HLB On 2022 Draft Work Program - submitted via Gmail - 4-7-22
2021 RCCC Activities - Summary.docx Summary of RCCC's activities in 2021 - provided to FCC, 4/3/22, per their request.
2022-10 RCCC comments on 2050 MTP Proj Prioritization criteria.pdf RCCC 3/31/22 comments on AMATS Project Prioritization Criteria for MTP 2050
2022-09 RCCC comments 2050 MTP Perf Measures_Scoring Criteria.pdf RCCC comments to AMATS on proposed Performance Measures for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050
2022_08 RCCC CAPSIS recs to Finance Comms.pdf RCCC priority recommendations to Senate Finance Comm for CAPSIS projects: Chugach St Park Access; Hillside Evacuation routes/Firewise; S. Potter Marsh improvements
2022-07 RCCC comments on S12668 River Hills short plat.pdf RCCC comments regarding merger of two lots in River Hills Estates Subdivision
2022-2-27 RTCA application.docx Application to National Park Service's Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program for technical assistance in planning, public outreach, and approvals for a potential trail to connect Goldenview Middle School with Bear Valley Elementary School
TIP_Complete Streets _55_Old Seward Highway Upgrade.pdf RCCC Nomination for Transportation Improvement Program Complete Streets, Old Seward Highway ped/bike path Rabbit Ck to Potter Valley/New Seward
TIP Bicycle _ Pedestrian Projects _56_Golden View Dr PedestrianBike Pathway.pdf RCCC Nomination - Transportation Improvement Program - Ped Projects - Ped/bike trail along GoldenView Dr., Rabbit Ck to Bulgaria
TIP Complete Streets _46_Left Turn Pocket_Rabbit Ck Rd at Old Seward Hwy.pdf RCCC Nomination for Transportation for Improvement Program - Complete Streets - Left Turn Pocket on Rabbit Ck Rd at Old Seward Hwy
TIP Bicycle _ Ped Projects _62_Schools on Trails - develop pathways_existing unused easements.pdf RCCC Nomination for Transportation for Improvement Program - Bicycle and Pedestrian - Schools on Trails
2022-2-15 Hidden Treasures CAPSIS request.pdf RCCC nomination of Hidden Treasures - stranded pedestrian assets for CAPSIS
2022-2-15 GoldenView CAPSIS request.pdf RCCC nomination for a pedestrian/bike path along Golden View Drive, from Rabbit Ck Rd to Bulgaria Dr
2022-2-15 Old Seward Hwy CAPSIS request.pdf RCCC nomination of pedestrian/bike path for Old Seward Highway, Rabbit Ck Rd to Potter Valley Rd
2022-2-15 Rabbit Ck Left Turn Pocket CAPSIS request.pdf RCCC nomination of left turn pocket on Rabbit Ck Rd at Old Seward Highweay - CAPSIS
2022-06 RCCC Resolution on Assembly Reapportionment.pdf RCCC Resolution on Assembly reapportionment emphasizing the importance of not combining the Hillside with Eagle River in the same Assembly District.
2022-05 RCCC comments on Omnibus Titles 21_23_ADUs.pdf RCCC comments on Assembly (S) substitute Omnibus proposal for updates to Title 21 (Land Use), Title 23 (Building Code), and Accessory Dwelling Units.
2022-2-13 S_Potter_Marsh CAPSIS request.pdf South Potter Marsh Pedestrian Improvements and Boardwalk Additions - Phase 2 funding request submitted to AK Legislature, through CAPSIS
2022-04 RCCC to AMATS Bike_Ped re OSH.pdf RCCC request that Anchorage Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee nominate Old Seward Highway along Potter Marsh as one of their five High Priority Bicycle Projects for inclusion in the 2023-26 Transportation Improvement Program.
2022-03 RCCC support to rename Suicide Peaks.pdf RCCC support to rename Suicide Peaks
2022-02 Resolution - Update to Noisy Vehicles Law_signed.pdf RCCC Resolution 2022-02 - Update to Noisy Vehicles Law_signed

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Federation of Community Councils (FCC) delegates usually meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6-8 p.m.

The Community Councils Center is located at: 

1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100

Anchorage, Alaska 99503



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