CIP (Capital Improvement Project) Committee



Projects are available for review and comment at


Current CIP Documents


Archived CIP Documents



Kyle Rehberg,


The CIP Committee collaborates with the Council to advise the Municipal Assembly on CIP priorities. Our role involves identifying the Council’s needs related to street improvements, parks, recreation, trails, and other city services. Additionally, we compile the CIP priority list and draft necessary resolutions.



At the May general membership meeting a list of all standing committees and their chairperson(s) shall be reviewed and confirmed. The executive board may fill vacancies on the committee and may remove a member from the committee at any time without cause.

The committee chair may add or remove members at their discretion. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. If a NECC council member desires to serve on a committee they may contact the committee chair.



  1. Gather Council input regarding CIP needs.
  2. Advise the Assembly of the Council’s annual priority list of Capital Improvement Projects by filing a copy with the Municipal Clerk when the list is submitted to the Administration.
  3. Advise the Council’s State of Alaska representatives of the priority list of Capital Improvement Projects
  4. Participate in the community meeting process under municipal code §21.03.020.C  (Common Procedures for Review by Community Councils) when the notice from the developer is timely.
  5. Receive and review notices to the Council from Municipal departments including, but not limited to, those listed under Municipal code:
    1. 21.03.020.H, Land use proposals
    2. 24.35.020, National security road closures
    3. 25.30.025.E, Disposal of Municipal land requiring voter approval; Other notices received from Municipal departments requiring input or action by the Council.

The committee will report its activities to the executive board at least on a quarterly basis.



The committee will meet at least quarterly and more often as needed. A majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair will keep a copy of the committee meeting minutes and forward a copy to the executive board.


The committee will review its charter at least annually and recommend any proposed changes to the executive board for review. This charter was updated on September 5, 2024.



Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils