Elections for the Downtown Community Council officers are held annually.  Officers serve for one year.


For more information about the officers and Executive Board, please see the DTCC Bylaws.


2024-2025 Officers:



Silvia Villamedes



Mike Ward



Barbara Roberts



Jason Motyka



Chris Jones

Robert Turkingston

Buzz Rohlfing


FCC Delegate

Barbara Roberts


FCC Alternate

Silvia Villamides


*non-voting members are allowed to vote during regular meetings as outline in Artical VIII: Voting section of our bylaws, voting restrictions are in affect during exectutive sessions of the DCC Board of Directors only.



Contact Iformation: 

Email  downtown.c.council@gmail.com

Mail  Downtown Community Council        

645 G Street, Anchorage, AK  99504



Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils