Welcome to the Rabbit Creek Community Council  


The Council’s purpose is to provide a direct and continuing means of citizen participation in local affairs. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.


 "Like" us on Facebook!

Don't miss out on community happenings. Like us on Facebook to stay engaged between meetings: Rabbit Creek Community Council on Facebook!



Next meeting:

Thursday, Oct. 10th

7-9 pm. 

Meeting at Goldenview Middle School (library) and via ZOOM  link below


 Join via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85695237808

 Meeting ID: 856 9523 7808

One tap mobile: +13462487799,,85695237808# US (Houston)


Issues will include a presentation on Ballot Initiative 2 and annual Board elections. More items to be added.



REMINDER - We appreciate an annual voluntary contribution (e.g., $10 or $25/family) at our meeting or via check made out to RCCC, mail to FCC, 1057 W. Fireweed Lane, Suite 100, Anchorage, 99503. Thank  you!


Upcoming Committee Meetings:

* Resilience Comm - Mon., Oct. 28th via Zoom: 


  • Meeting ID: 858 4569 4562
    Passcode: 121907 

* Land Use & Transportation - Wed., Nov. 6th 7 pm (check back to confirm date) via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81705803014?pwd=TEc3N01oVUZIYUk4UWozR2JnUnVrZz09

  • Meeting ID: 817 0580 3014
    Passcode: LUTC
    One tap mobile
    +13462487799,,81705803014#,,,,*343060# US (Houston)


Check out the final Wildfire/Egress report and more information here:  https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/jenschmidt/wildfire/egress  

The report is also posted in our Meeting Docs folder.


Safer Seward Highway project websitehttps://safersewardhighwayonline.com/ 


Mountain Air Drive extension project - Project website -  https://mountainairdrive.com/

See comments submitted by RCCC under 'Current Year Resolutions & Comments'


Meanwhile, don't forget Resilience/Firewise -

Need a Firewise Home Assessment? The Anchorage Fire Department is not accepting applications and will complete 100 more homes this year - apply now through the AFD Wildfire Mitigation link:


Reminders: Here's a home self-inspection checklist. This is a good time to check and organize a "Go Bag" or at least have a list made of what to grab if necessary to leave quickly. Finally, the bears are on trash patrols again - remember to be careful about bear and moose calf interactions


For more information contact:

Ann Rappoport (907-230-3187) or John Riley (907-250-4852) RCCC Co-Chairs 

Mailing Address: 1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100 / Anchorage, AK 99503

Email: rabbitcreekcc@gmail.com



Any resident, property owner, or business located within the boundaries of the Council is welcome at all meetings. Qualified residents and owners become eligible to vote after attending at least one RCCC meeting within the previous 12 months. Donations are appreciated to help cover overhead costs. We welcome citizen input! To received notices of meetings and other community alerts, please go to this Sign-Up link



The RCCC area is bounded by Chugach State Park on the south, New Seward Hwy on the west, DeArmoun Rd on the north, and shares its eastern border with Bear Valley Community Council (including portions of Storck Park and the Bear Valley Elementary School).

Category:  Public Hearing
Department:  Assembly
Starts:  6/18/2019 6:00 PM
Ends:  6/18/2019 11:00 PM
Event Information:   
Z.J. Loussac Library 
Assembly Chambers 
3600 Denali Street 
Anchorage, AK  99503


The Assembly of the Municipality of Anchorage will hold a public hearing on the following legislation at its regular meeting of June 18, 2019.  The public hearing portion of the meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. and is held in the Assembly Chambers, Z.J. Loussac Library, 3600 Denali: 

Ordinance No. AO 2019-74, an ordinance amending Anchorage Municipal Code by adding Chapter 15.100 Trash Handling to minimize bears and other wildlife getting into trash by establishing consistent protocols for storage and handling of trash, providing for fines in Anchorage Municipal Code 14.60.030, and amending Anchorage Municipal Code 15.10.070 for consistency, Mayor's Office. 

The above-referenced document is available for examination at the Municipal Clerk's Office, City Hall, 632 W. 6th Avenue, Room 250, Anchorage, Alaska. 

Persons wishing to provide oral comments on the described matters may do so at this meeting or may provide written comments.  Written comments should be sent to the Anchorage Assembly in c/o Barbara A. Jones, Municipal Clerk, P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650, FAX (907) 343-4313, or wwmas@muni.org.

Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids, services, or special modifications to participate should contact the Municipal Clerk's Office by telephone at 343-4311; fax at 343-4313; or e-mail wwwmasmc@muni.org to request reasonable accommodations. 

View all Municipality of Anchorage public notifications on the Municipal website:  www.muni.org  

/s/ Barbara A. Jones

Municipal Clerk 

Notice Begins: June 10, 2019

Notice Ends: June 19, 2019

Noticed:  6/5/2019 12:00 AM
Notice Ends:  6/19/2019 12:00 AM


Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils