Elections for the Birchwood Community Council officers and board members are held in October. Officers and board members serve for two years.
For more information about the officers and board, please see the BCC Bylaws.
BCC Officers
Debbie Ossiander
Phone 688-2308
Email ossiander@hotmail.com
Co- Chair / CBERRRSA Road Board rep/
Birchwood Master Plan update alternate
Matt Cruickshank
Phone 907-631-1450
Email MJFC4TH@gmail.com
Secretary /Treasurer/Birchwood Airport Master Plan/CBERRRSA Road Board Alternate
Val Jokela
Phone 907.748-5762
Email birchwoodcouncil@gmail.com
Secretary for Publicity
Benjamin Westveer
Email benalaska@gmail.com
FCC Delegate
Carol Perkins
Email 66togo@gmail.com
Member-At-Large/CERAB rep
Patty Friend
Email sambucus7@gmail.com
Parks and Recreation Representative
Barbara Trost
Email birchwoodcouncil@gmail.com
Community Patrol
Jeff Hartley
Phone 907.223.7411
Email jhartley62@hotmail.com
CBERRRSA = Chugiak/Birchwood/Eagle River Rural Road Service Area
Consortium = Consortium of Chugiak-Eagle River Community Councils
C/ER Parks & Rec = Chugiak-Eagle River Parks and Recreation
FCC = Federation of Community Councils
CERAB = Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board