Welcome to the Huffman/O'Malley Community Council!

Please join us!





The next regular meeting of the Huffman/O'Malley Community Council will be


Thursday, October 17, 2024 @ 7:00 PM


In person:  Huffman Elementary, 12000 Lorraine Avenue (near Elmore & Huffman

- or -

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 5287 1929

Passcode: 320438

One tap mobile+12532158782,,94152871929#,,,,*320438# US (Tacoma)+13462487799,,94152871929#,,,,*320438# US (Houston)


Please come join us and schedule the events.

Would you consider volunteering for a committee or similar?



Join us and make your voice be heard! The Council's purpose is to provide a direct and continuing means of citizen participation in local affairs. You can attend HOCC meetings from the comfort of your home, and have a chance to communicate with community leaders, legislators, and neighbors to find out about the current issues in the Huffman/O'Malley area. It's a great opportunity to learn and ask questions. We love new people getting involved! No commitment is required, and its free to attend! We hope our meetings are neighborly, and everyone being heard respectfully, and please send word to HOCCPresident@gmail.com if you have any concerns or questions. Thanks!! 


The Council meets the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. via Zoom . Usually it is Hybrid and also in person. 




Find out how your property is assessed by the Muni!
MOA Land Parameter information from the public records's request:



Any resident, property owner, or business located within the boundaries of the Council is a member of HOCC (see map).  Members become eligible to vote after attending at least one other HOCC meeting within the previous 12 months. We welcome citizen input! To recieve notices of meetings and other community alerts, please go to the bottom of the page of this Sign-Up Link.





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Don't miss out on community happenings. Like us on Facebook to stay engaged between meetings: https://www.facebook.com/huffmanomalley




What is HALO? The Home and Landowners Organization is dedicated to the advancement of issues related to living in the Southeast Hillside area of the Municipality of Anchorage. They promote the Anchorage Hillside rural way of life in a community of low density so that the character of the community experience remains. See link to the right for more information and to get involved!





Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils