Name Description
23May Midtown Assembly District CC feedback for Clean Slate Strategy_5.28.2023.pdf 23May Midtown Assembly District CC feedback for Clean Slate Strategy_5.28.2023
21 Aug NorannReconstruction_VirtualOpenHouseText.pdf Norann Reconstruction Virtual Open House Text
21 5948 AB-00 New License Application.pdf 5948 AB-00 - Alaska Premier Liquor - New Liquor License application
21 5948 New Application LGB Notice.pdf 5948 AB-00 - Alaska Premier Liquor - New application
21 5948 AB-02 Premises Design.pdf 5948 AB-00 - Alaska Premier Liquor - Location design
21 TCCC- Bad Habits Memorandum of Understanding.pdf TCCC - Bad Habits MOA
5938 - New License - LGB CC Notice Turnagain Vines.pdf Turnagain Vines New License notice
5938 AB-02 Turnagain Vines.pdf Turnagain Vines Form AB-02
5938 AB-00 Turnagain Vines.pdf Turnagain Vines Form AB-00
2020-2021 BVCC Business License.pdf BVCC Alaska Business License - 2020-2021
TCCC 2020 meeting dates.pdf TCCC 2020 meeting dates and other information
170714_10866 Marijuana License Renewal_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10866, business name: AK Frost
170714_10866 Marijuana License online renewal_Redacted_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10866, business name: AK Frost
170714_10865 Marijuana License Renewal_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10865, business name: AK Rime
170714_10865 Marijuana License online renewal_Redacted_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10865, business name: AK Rime
170714_10248 Marijuana License Renewal_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10248, business name: Isidore
170714_10248 Marijuana License online renewal_Redacted_TCCC Notice.pdf 7/14/17 Notice of Renewal of Marijuana License No. 10248, business name: Isidore
17Feb09 HB93 ARR Rights-of-Way Legislation.pdf Proposed Legislation HB93 "An Act Relating to Railroad Rights-of-Way"
110220 ROW Acquisition of W Dowling.pdf 2/20/11 - Notice of community council comments due RE: Right of Way acquisition plat for W Dowling Road, C St. to Minnesota Dr.
110212 Road Maint Street Light Resolution.pdf 02/11/2011 proposed Street Maintenance and Street Lights resolution
110212 75th Margaret Resolution.pdf 02/11/2011 proposed 75th Ave/Margaret Resolution
110212 Branche Drive Resolution.pdf 02/11/2011 proposed Branche Drive Resolution
W Dowling_Raspberry TipSheet.pdf Citizen’s Guide to the Raspberry/W. Dowling Phase II Project
Tornai Correspondence.2010.09.04.pdf Tornai Correspondence re Dowling Project

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Get In Touch



Federation of Community Councils (FCC) delegates usually meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6-8 p.m.

The Community Councils Center is located at: 

1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100

Anchorage, Alaska 99503



Upcoming Meetings




Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils