Brought to you by YOUR Russian Jack Community Council.
We meet the second Wednesday of every month at Zion Lutheran Church, 2100 Boniface Pkwy. CLICK HERE for a link to a map.
Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. We will also meet via Zoom; the link will be posted here and in the agenda.
Our next meeting is
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:30 pm
Join us via Zoom or at the Zion Lutheran Church
2100 Boniface Parkway - Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 271632
Have questions - call
Clayton Chapman 907-205-9886
Ed Leach 907-230-0881
Remember - whether it concerns such things as: schools, construction projects, city/state budgets, crime/gang activity, the Russian Jack Community Patrol, Parks & Recreation, roads, bond issues, resolving complaints, meeting your elected State & local Officials face-to-face, or just finding out “who to call” - if it’s happening in our neighborhood, the Russian Jack Community Council is where you’ll very likely hear about it first.
To improve our neighborhood:
YOU must get involved - become informed on the issues – and participate!
Welcome to the Russian Jack Community Council. While we are proud of all our parks - Russian Jack Springs, Dave Rose, Kanchee, San Antonio and Williwaw - we are concerned with more than these gems. Quality of life, including crime prevention, and educational achievement of our children are of high importance.
We are a very diverse community - half of us belong to ethnic minorities. 60% of us own our residences, which vary from single family homes to mobile homes to 4 - plexes to apartments. Yet we share the desire for a family friendly community.
But we are not divisive. Our meetings are collegial and neighborly, with everyone being heard respectfully. Besides the presentation of a speaker each month, there are lively exchanges with our elected representatives.
So come participate with your neighbors! Join us and make your voice heard!