Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Survey Information, Training, Resources, & More



A Capital Improvement Project refers to a substantial, non-recurring expenditure used to make significant physical improvement to a public asset like a building, park, or infrastructure. Projects typically have a long useful like such as constructing a new library, replacing aging water pipes, and repaving streets.


Every year the Municipality and State Representatives ask Community Councils for their Capital Improvement Priorities. They use these priorities to find funding & resources.


The annual Community Council Survey is an important tool in assessing proposed capital project needs in Anchorage. Once a community's highest priorities are identified they can be properly considered when developing the proposed CIP. 


This link will take you to the Office of Management & Budget (OMB), which has information on current CIPs and historical Survey information.


Before 2025, surveys were introduced to Councils in April of each year and were finalized in June.


*UPDATE as of 3/4/25*

The 2026 CIP Survey opened on March 4th and is set to close on May 20th.


Starting in 2025, the OMB introduced a new survey timeline with the survey opening in January and closing in April each year. This better aligned with department and Municipal timelines for CIP creation.




Learn More

Local Lens: Capital Improvement Projects

  • Learn about Capital Improvement Projects and how Anchorage community priorities go from ideas to reality. Chelsea Ward-Waller (PM&E) Taylor Keegan (Parks), and Mark Eisenman (DOT&PF) will explain how their departments interact with Community Councils to learn about what communities want and collaborate to fund future projects. Q&A opportunities will be available.
  • Watch video here!


CIP Survey Technical Training Webinar

  • Arianna Bellizzi (FCC) and Chelsea Ward-Waller (PM&E) will be walking through using the CIP Survey portal and answering tech support questions. This training is best suited for Council Officers or representatives in charge of inputting CIP information into the portal.
  • Watch video here!


February 2025 Assembly Worksession

  • PM&E and Parks & Rec present to Assembly members on the CIP ranking process for their departments and answer questions.
  • Click here to watch the video.


FCC November 2024 Board Meeting Presentation

  • Chelsea Ward-Waller of PM&E and Taylor Keegan of Parks & Rec presented on the CIP Process and changes for 2025.
  • Click here for their presentation slides.
  • Watch the video here!




Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils