Name Description
13July4 DRAFT - 4th of July Delaney Park Strip Noise Permit.pdf 13May 4th of July Park Strip Noise Permit
14-19 Chester Cr Final DSR Memo Distribution.pdf
140204 SACC Invites You to Join Nextdoor com.pdf 2/4/14 Invitation to join
140503_FA 10818 2014 Bike Blessing and Gathering.pdf 5/3/14 Noise Permit for Bike Blessing event
140707 Resolution Wtrshd Mgmt 2014-03 Northern Access Design for Wildlife _1_.pdf 7/7/14 Watershed & Natural Resources Advisory Commission Resolution No. 2014-03 - Addressing design considerations for wildlife passage in the Northern Access Corridor Study (UMED/Bragaw cut-through)
14Jan MOA Proposed Ordinance about Treatment Houses.pdf 1/2014 MOA proposed ordinance about treatments centers in neighborhoods
14Jan17 MOA Planning Case Alert.pdf 1/17/14 MOA Planning Case Alert for SACC
14Jan16 SACC neighborhood congestion report.pdf 2/14 - Neighborhood Congestion Report
14Jan Planning and Zoning Commission asking for KABATA to testify.pdf 1/2014 Planning and Zoning Commission asking for KABATA to testify
14Jan Benihana Liquor License.pdf 1/2014 Benihana Liquor License Application

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Get In Touch



Federation of Community Councils (FCC) delegates usually meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6-8 p.m.

The Community Councils Center is located at: 

1057 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 100

Anchorage, Alaska 99503



Upcoming Meetings




Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils