Rogers Park Community Council

including Anchor Park, College Village, Woodside East and Rogers Park


Our next meeting is

Monday, December 9, 2024

7:00-9:00 p.m.

In-Person and via Zoom


In-Person:  Rogers Park Elementary School Library


* New Zoom Login *

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 4423 6758




The Midtown Congestion Relief Final Report is now available here and more information can be found at the MCR website. And here is the RPCC Resolution - also found in the menu under Resolutions. 


We hope to post a video of the presentation soon. Former Rogers Park resident Dr. John Fournelle on the history of the Rogers Park subdivision given on April 24th, 2021.  Find out more about the beginings of this subdivision came to be and some of the backstory of the neighborhood.




***RPCC Meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month


Zoom meetings

Upon entering please log in with your (1st name & last name) then “Member” or “Guest” with your affiliation. Individuals calling in via telephone must provide their name and affiliation. The host will assist you. To mute/unmute, tap *6. The meeting is open to the public and may be recorded.



Rogers Park Community Council:

Federation of Community Councils:

Municipality of Anchorage:


The Rogers Park Community Council complies with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and is an equal opportunity organization. Reasonable accommodations will be made available to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact the Community Councils Center, 907-277-1977, no later than 10 days prior to the meeting date to make necessary arrangements.


This form was developed by a community member to help identify and help neighbors.
The form is ready:


RPCC meets at 7 pm on the second Monday of the month at the (currently via Zoom) BP Energy Center, 1014 Energy Court. Click here for a map.


 Rogers Park logo


Welcome to the Rogers Park Community Council


The Rogers Park Community Council is bounded by Chester Creek on the north, 36th Avenue on the south, New Seward Hwy. on the west, Lake Otis Boulevard on the east, and also includes Anchor Park Subdivision to the northeast of the Lake Otis-Northern Lights Boulevard Intersection.


The Council’s purpose is to provide a direct and continuing means of citizen participation in local affairs. The council provides a forum for introduction and discussion of local and city issues and advises the Anchorage Assembly and other groups regarding issues that affect its geographic area. The Rogers Park Community Council is affiliated with the Anchorage Federation of Community Councils. Any resident or property owner within in the boundaries of the council is a member.


The Rogers Park Community Council’s monthly meeting is held at 7:00 PM every second Monday of the month at the BP Energy Center, 1014 Energy Drive. Our representatives on the Anchorage Assembly often attend the meetings and make brief presentations, offering you an opportunity to speak with them directly.


People come to Community Council meetings because they are interested in what's going on in their community. About 20 to 50 people regularly attend meetings, depending on the issues on the agenda. Often people attend their first meeting because of something happening in their neighborhood that they are concerned about, be it new construction, traffic issues, nuisance behavior by neighbors, or road construction.


The meetings are an easy, comfortable place to communicate with community leaders, legislators, and neighbors about how to make the Rogers Park area an even better place to live, work, and play. It's an opportunity to just sit and listen for an hour and a half, once a month, learning things you would never know otherwise, and often protecting your investment in your home or business. No commitment is required, and it is free!



Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils